Thursday, December 8, 2016

Advent 3 A - James 5:7-10

We’ve been patiently waiting for almost two thousand years. Of course, every now and then people find a way to profit from predictions of gloom and doom but then the point of patience is left behind. There is nothing you can do to hasten the day, or delay it for that matter, but you can make the wait weary for yourself and others by grumbling, judging, or connecting conspiracy theory coincidences and claiming to know the time and place the Lord himself said is none of your business. No. We are called to wait as those James calls “Beloved” three times in four verses, which means we wait with a lover’s longing. And not only for ourselves but for the sake of those the Lord loves which I’m guessing includes those we don’t. After all, the Judge who stands at the door is the same One who spoke “Father, forgive them” upon those whose fear and envy and self-righteousness nailed him to the mercy seat in the first place. Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.

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